Patient-specific, imaging-based forecasting of prostate cancer growth
This research aims at integrating standard clinical and imaging data from individual patients into mathematical models to enable the prediction of tumor growth using computer simulations
Personalized prediction of PSA dynamics after external radiotherapy of prostate cancer
Exploring the biophysical mechanisms underlying PSA dynamics after external radiotherapy to define new biomarkers for the early identification of relapse
Optimal control of therapeutic regimens for advanced prostate cancer
This work aims at finding optimal combinations of cytotoxic and antiangiogenic therapies to treat advanced prostatic tumors by combining mathematical analysis and computer simulations
Personalized prediction of breast cancer response to neoadjuvant therapies by using biophysical models parameterized with patient-specific imaging data and constrained by comprehensive pharmacodynamic experimental data
Data-driven mechanistic models to forecast COVID-19 outbreaks
Constructing mathematical models to understand and predict the dynamics of COVID-19 infectious spread based on longitudinal epidemiological data series