To contribute to the global effort in understanding and predicting the spread of COVID-19, this research has four main objectives:
To contribute to the global effort in understanding and predicting the spread of COVID-19, this research has four main objectives:
Orhun O Davarci, Emily Y Yang, Alexander Viguerie, Thomas E Yankeelov, Guillermo Lorenzo
Engineering with Computers, vol. 40, 2024, pp. 813–837
Alex Viguerie, Guillermo Lorenzo, Ferdinando Auricchio, Davide Baroli, Thomas J.R. Hughes, Alessia Patton, Alessandro Reali, Thomas E. Yankeelov, Alessandro Veneziani
Applied Mathematics Letters, vol. 111, 2021, p. 106617
Alex Viguerie, Alessandro Veneziani, Guillermo Lorenzo, Davide Baroli, Nicole Aretz-Nellesen, Alessia Patton, Thomas E. Yankeelov, Alessandro Reali, Thomas J. R. Hughes, Ferdinando Auricchio
Computational Mechanics, vol. 66(5), 2020, pp. 1131–1152